Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the new (and greatly improved) senate voting rules.

Originally shared by John Samuel

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the new (and greatly improved) senate voting rules.

NB: not a mobile friendly page (because Senate ballots will still be large).


  1. I find it interesting that the sample form has about 20 candidate boxes below the line and the FAQ does not tell you how many to expect. Can't say I'm a fan of the new system and I am sceptical as to how the new system will make voting benefit voters

  2. Dean Bergin It will depend on how many nominate, and there are two opposing factors at play.

    a) Double dissolutions halve the quota, and double the number of seats in play. This encourages more nominations.

    b) No preference herding via the never to be sufficiently condemned and thankfully removed group voting tickets. Voters control their own preferences, and "deals" are limited to how to vote cards at most.

    HTVs are often ignored, and without the reliable preference flows minor parties without actual members and support base will be less likely to nominate. This will tend to shrink the ballot paper. 

    So guessing how many is a gamble ATM, but I would be betting on fewer groups but 12 candidates in each group.


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