
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Duyfken replica suffered catastrophic engine damage as a result of the recent storms in Perth - while she does...

The Duyfken replica suffered catastrophic engine damage as a result of the recent storms in Perth - while she does not need them to sail, they are needed to comply with maritime safety regulations. Even worse, the engines that need replacing are no longer available, so extensive re-working of the engine room is needed to fit new ones. They need to raise AUD120,000 to get her sailing again.

So, something that came to me today...

So, something that came to me today... Spiel in German means "play" Berg, roughly means town or village. This means that Stephen of Play Town is a noted director and producer. #nominativedeterminism across languages!

This is a really neat YA series, with really cool protagonists, and some really twisted villains.

This is a really neat YA series, with really cool protagonists, and some really twisted villains. Originally shared by Lisa “LJ” Cohen I'm definitely not comfortable or skilled in the whole self promotion thing, but I also know that I need to champion my work. So here goes: DERELICT, the first book of my Halcyone Space series of SciFi/space opera novels is on sale now though November 7, 2017 for $0.99 (ebook discounted from $4.99). If you enjoy character-based science fiction with a diverse ensemble cast and a slightly homicidal (well, really just a bit confused) AI that's in control of a broken space ship, give DERELICT a spin. If you've read and enjoyed it, I would be very grateful if you shared this post and clicked the link to tweet below. <--shareable tweet And links to all retailers:

Again, a tough call as to where to put this...

Again, a tough call as to where to put this... Lordy gets the hat-tip. Originally shared by James O'Brien Made me laugh.

A new take on an old classic!

A new take on an old classic! Originally shared by Diane Attaway Free WiFi!

More stormcloud fun.

More stormcloud fun.

More stormcloud fun.

More stormcloud fun.

The Second Storm

The Second Storm Winter storms and summer cyclones get all the press, but here in Perth some of the most violent storms are our spring storms, coming in off supercharged cold fronts.

The Second Storm

The Second Storm #nx500 #snapseed

So our no-longer-liberal Liberal Party has decided to kill the Clean Energy Target, which was CET.

So our no-longer-liberal Liberal Party has decided to kill the Clean Energy Target, which was CET. And replaced it with the National Energy Guarantee. So now they are NEGging. I'll get my coat.

But who wears the glitter in the relationship?

Originally shared by Kit Cumberland But who wears the glitter in the relationship?
The one thing I'll never forgive my player for is choosing Dex as a dump stat...

AeroDork on Twitter

Originally shared by Winchell Chung

Looks like aother bad idea.

Looks like aother bad idea... And pinging David Gerard​. Sounds like an energy version of the Capitol Hill Babysitting Co-Op, doesn't it? With blockchains and ICO for bonus points. #attackofthe50footblockchain

I have just finished David Gerard​ 's new book "Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain".

I have just finished David Gerard​ 's new book "Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain". And what a ride. Entertainingly written, and thoroughly researched, it is a sceptical look at the Bitcoin bubble, and blockchain technologies in general. David does not hide his agenda, and presents it in a clear and well referenced manner, albeit with a very large dose of snark. My main take away from it (aside from reinforcing my desire to stay well away from the whole mess) is that blockchain technologies are very much a solution in search of a problem, and the problems that keep getting them applied to are the wrong problems. A bit like using a laser to cook a pancake. 9.5/10 and DAS covering Gilbert & Sullivan as directed by Tim Minchin on the Sid and Nancy scale.

Via Mark Graveson​

Via Mark Graveson​ You know the drill...

Retro-engineering at its finest!

Retro-engineering at its finest! Originally shared by Florian Haas Morse code USB HID. This person has clearly reached nerdvana.