Well, we had perfect conditions here in Perth on Wednesday night for a bit of moon watching.

Well, we had perfect conditions here in Perth on Wednesday night for a bit of moon watching. With thanks to Alicia Smith for helping out with setup, suggestions, and being an all-round good sport.

February 2018 Copy Codes

WPP2018 - Week 06 - Circle or Circles

Françoise Dhulesia, Angela Migliore, Byron Sheldrick, Dave Hollis, Carmen Mandich, madhura ravishankar, Constantinos Catsoulis, Alicia Smith, Rob Masters, Francesco Scaglioni, Mary Wardell, Navin Upendran



  1. Lucky you! Where I live we had 10 minutes of partial eclipse and then the Moon went below the horizon.

  2. Well done Rob Masters ... such a great idea

  3. Excellent!!! What an exciting experience and outcome!!! Well done Rob!!

  4. We had zero view of the eclipse! You are so lucky! And I love the way you put this together.!

  5. Wow!! What a great idea! So glad you were able to have good weather conditions to capture the moon. Impressive and well done Rob Masters !

  6. Incredible you captured different colors, blood moon, blue moon, eclipse..

  7. Rob Masters This is literally out of this world!! Great job. I really like the different colors and the red moon is definitely a winner!

  8. Amazing by itself! Great selection for the theme 👍😀

  9. Great series! Well done Rob Masters! :)

  10. This could well be the ultimate moon / circle shot. Stunning


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