Two thirds of the new cast for MST3K has been announced.

Two thirds of the new cast for MST3K has been announced. There is 18 days to go on the Kickstarter, and we're half way to a half-season. We might still get to a full season - which would be awesome - not just because 12 episodes, but because it gives Joel and the cast a decent shot at pitching to a network for an on-going series.

Originally shared by Felicia Day

Well, in the "Dream Come True" category, today it was announced I will be playing Dr Forrester's daughter in the MST3K reboot that's on Kickstarter NOW! Please click below to donate so we can make 12 episodes happen!

I watched MST3K with my brother religiously as a kid. The reason Joel thought of me for this was because I was in Salt Lake City at the con and I went up to get a picture with him because I wanted to rub it in my brother Ryon's face. So thanks Ryon! You got me my dream job! Please help me all the episodes happen so I can rub it in his face a LOT! :)


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