It really gets very surreal very quickly! Originally shared by Alicia Smith Anybody else do this? I really enjoy it.
Churchill Rd Raclette - Delendale Creamery For this one I have one clear instruction before we begin. Pick up the cheese, step away from the cheese-board, and get thee to the kitchen. This is a cheese that needs - possibly even demands - some heat. Now I know the kitchen is a bit of a foreign place for the cheese-lover - I mean what use is there of fry-pans or cook-pots? Bear with me though, this journey is worth it. Before we begin, I'm going to take you on a small flight of fancy. Imagine, if you will, that an honest English Cheddar decided to take a holiday on the Continent, and found itself in Switzerland. Maybe seeking some great waterfall to encounter a perilous foe, it instead meets a sweet and charming Emmental. Romance blossoms, the Cheddar settles - foe forgotten, and the two have a child. Roll forward a dozen years and a few more, and this is Raclette. The bitter-edged teenager child - probably miffed that Cheddar failed to find and defeat that foe. Raclette is a cheese
The ABC News have an interesting little quiz/survey running It nailed most aspects of myself - although I would not call myself 'upper-class' by any stretch of the imagination!
I don't know, I think a lot of USians are pretty disgusted with their country right now.