We had a smaller than expected turn-out, but the people who were there were very enthusiastic!

We had a smaller than expected turn-out, but the people who were there were very enthusiastic! Our walk took us from Stirling Gardens (the top end of Supreme Court Gardens), up Barrack St to the Hay St Mall, down London Court, along St George's Tce to Howard St, down to the Esplanade and back to Barrack St and the Bell Tower.

Our thanks to Crumpler Bags, who donated the morning's spot prizes, and to Team Digital for the best photo prizes to be awarded next week.



  1. sooooooo jealous.. I wanted to be there sooo badly!! stupid body had to catch the flu tho :(

  2. You were missed, Skye Harris :(

  3. I missed soooo much this weekend... a catch-up dinner with friends, photowalk, supanova...

    I might have to try organise an impromptu photowalk for another weekend lol

  4. Skye Harris
    Let us know when you're better and we'll get together.

  5. Sorry I missed it....I lost track of June and still have no idea where it went!!

  6. There were about 30 people which isn't bad at all for a Supanova weekend!

  7. Good Idea +Skye  there's a few of us that would be in that


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