Prompted by a very facetious comment of mine in another post, I have a question for everyone.

Prompted by a very facetious comment of mine in another post, I have a question for everyone.

What Non-Racing sport do you think should be a board game? And what would it look like?

My vote, fairly obviously, is for Farnarkling, that great international sport dominated by the Australian teams in the 1980s.

It would be something like a hybrid of Fluxx and Icehouse, with hints of Munchkin.


  1. Quidditch.
    It'd look like a gridded-out version of a Quidditch pitch, with turn-based movement, trying to get the macguffin to the goal, or catch the Golden Macguffin. Opposing player moves the bludgers during your turn.

  2. I'd love to see a Roller Derby-based board game.

  3. Tim Snider Impact City Roller Derby game Game Salute.

  4. RIP John Clarke, amazing satirist.

  5. I enjoy Baseball Highlights 2045, it would be even better if it was rebuilt as Kerry Packer's Intergalactic Cricket Cup.

  6. Moe Tousignant I'll be darned! Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Skateboarding. Probably would have to be a deck-builder. Cuz you know skateboards have decks. It's a joke. It's funny.

    I think the game would have a board, possibly modular or double sided one for an urban landscape the other for a skate park. Various places on the board are where you place different card piles based on the type of tricks you could do there.

    Your basic cards give you simple tricks like an ollie or a basic grind, which score points. The rest of the base cards are about building momentum. You need momentum to get around the park to get to the various elements to pull off more advanced tricks. In addition to momentum and tricks you can gain modifiers that allow you to chain tricks together to create combos. So you could ollie off a jump + grab + grind to land on a rail element and keep your momentum going to get to the next trick.

    Something like that anyway.

  8. Chris Groff that sounds pretty darn awesome!

  9. Rob Masters you know, it kinda does and I just thought of that now. You could also have different skaters that each person plays with each skater having a signature ability to break the rules in different ways. Hmm kind of not a bad idea. If only I was a more ambitious designer type.

  10. Chris Groff I'd like to play your skateboard game!

  11. Alicia Smith me too. I'll just wait a bit longer I'm sure someone will come up with it and put it up on Kickstarter.

    Actually just checked BGG turns out the game already kind of exists.

    Neither game is exactly the same as what I was proposing but not all that far off.

  12. Jesus Christ Except Quidditch is a really badly "designed" game. J.K. Rowling really needs to send that to a developer to save it. ;)

  13. Chess boxing. Of course it's an abstracted version of the real sport/game, so for the boxing part you play some sort of tactical card game and for the chess part, you don't play chess, but a dexterity game the outcome of which determines your position/advantage/disadvantage on the board. Why? Why not? 😁

  14. I said quite a while ago that I periodically toy with designing a ballroom dance (aka DanceSport) game. It sounds a little like the hypothesized skateboard game above.

  15. Stephen Meyer I just got a copy of a grease pencil golf game I remember my dad playing a lot with one of his gaming buds when I was growing up. I've yet to actually check it out to see how it is but I remember him and Rick spending hours playing it.

  16. North American football and it already happened with Techno Bowl.


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