The parallel that Sephi PiderWitch draws to the McCarthy era is disturbingly accurate.

The parallel that Sephi PiderWitch draws to the McCarthy era is disturbingly accurate.

I find it more than tragic that the nominally secular USA government is more religiously driven than our own nominally Anglican one (yes, Australia does have a state religion).

Originally shared by Sephi PiderWitch

New Post The Inquisition of Cecile
It was very hard to watch and listen to the Congressional Hearing with Cecile Richards.  The whole thing was reminiscent of the videos I have seen of the McCarthy Hollywood communist trials.


  1. The reality here is that the general population is relatively secular, unless you venture into the bible belt where you feel like you have entered a really bad Twilight Zone episode.  However, the Congress has a majority of right wing nuts because the voter turnout last time was just abysmal.  

    But, thank you for sharing!


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