Excellent article on print resolution!
Excellent article on print resolution!
For a bit of fun, comment with what you think a billboard's approximate resolution is. Then read the article, and see if you were right!
Originally shared by Ananda Sim
For a bit of fun, comment with what you think a billboard's approximate resolution is. Then read the article, and see if you were right!
Originally shared by Ananda Sim
Mouais... J'ai des photos en 6Mp en 80*120cm dans mon salon... Bah franchement... C'est pas dégueu... S'obstiner à remplir un capteur de mégapixel, et lui mettre un objectif en plastique devant, ça ne sert à rien non plus... Un vieux reflex, un bon cailloux, sera toujours mieux qu'un portable 13, 16 ou 40MP !