Fact: you don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Originally shared by Boing Boing

Fact: you don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.


  1. I don't think I could physically fit 8 glasses of water a day XD

  2. I tend to go for weeks without drinking straight water..I have 1 coffee at about 7 am.. one at about 9 or 10 am... another at 8 pm.
    That's usually all the liquids I consume every day..
    I may have a beer with an afternoon meal (I put a 6 pack in the fridge a month ago, I think there's still 3 or 4 left, so that's not a common event)

    Only time I will drink much water is if it's over 40 degrees.
    Hasn't killed me yet.


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