Look out for the WA announcement!

Look out for the WA announcement!

Originally shared by The "36" Annual Photowalk

Introducing The "36" Walk, Constrain. Compose. Click.
In this wonderful digital age most of us tend to fire and forget and we know that we'll reap a few good shots in the end. We're encouraged in this behaviour because digital costs us only time.

Want to improve your photography?
Maybe you want to improve? Maybe you want to impose some restraint?

The "36" walk will help by limiting you to 36 shots during the walk. Film or digital, that's up to you but only 36. You will have to think about your composition, the light and the outcomes in advance before you hit that button. There are no "36" police to force you, but give it a go. You might be surprised at the outcome.

Consider and compose before you click.

You are encouraged to create a collection on your profile called The 36 2017 (or similar) and share all 36 of your images to it in separate posts. Consider explaining what attracted you to each scene if you would care to do so in the post for the image. Let's flood the internet with good photography.

#36photo #36photo2017 - posts shared with this tag will be reshared from this page after the walk into the 2017 collection.

History / Why
The "36" Walk is a photo geo walk which began in Melbourne in 2012 within the Photograph Melbourne community. It has run each year since then in various parts of Melbourne usually sometime in April.

The walk started because Paul Pavlinovich realised that we are in a wonderful digital age but observed that his own photography was decreasing in quality and there seemed to be an emphasis on quantity instead. On discussing this with peers this seemed to be the general observation. This sparked the idea of The "36" where participants would be constrained as though they had a 36 shot film loaded.

The walk has been very successful locally with strong turn outs each year and participants achieving good outcomes. There are no 36 police so it's up to people to manage their own count and to be honest to themselves.

Paul generally shoots film on the walk but most of the participants stick with digital. There are even some who mix it up and do both.

Paul felt it was time to enlarge the scope of the walk to help people all around the world rediscover photography with constraints.

Join or host a "36" walk near you.

Joining a Walk
The walks registered by walk leaders will be available on this My Map https://goo.gl/zw7lyt

Host a Walk
If you wish to lead a walk anywhere in the world, you certainly may please complete this form to be included in the list and added to the My Map https://goo.gl/uaTb7S
Registered walks will be listed on this page along with the profile of the walk leader. You're free to promote your walk on any platform. Sharing the results to g+ and Google Maps where appropriate is encouraged but not mandatory.

This is a Local Guides Meetup. Local Guides, Powered by us.

Please note that there is no organisation behind this walk - it's just people like you.


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