Every once in a while I get an extra special surprise from Weekly Photo Project 2015, and this time Robyn King has...

Every once in a while I get an extra special surprise from Weekly Photo Project 2015, and this time Robyn King has shared this stunning macro shot.
I am looking forward to next year even more now!
Originally shared by Robyn King
Alen Ianni Bernhard Rembold Cliff Loresco Francesco Scaglioni Heather D Ken Fowkes Matt Crace Navin Upendran Robyn King T.E. Smith
Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season♥
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#floralfriday FloralFriday Tamara Pruessner HQSP Flowers #hqspflowers Melanie Pierce Kanlaya Chungsangornpornsuk Wayne Lu Iva Pas Photography FLOWER POWER #flowerpower Edith Kukla #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerslovers #flowersphotography #poinsettia #red #redpoinsettia
#macroaddict MacroAddict Sandrine Berjonneau
#macro4all Macro4All Bill Urwin Thomas Kirchen Walter Soestbergen #macromaniacs MacroManiacs Sandra Deichmann #macro #macrophotography
#everythingred Everythingred
#macrogallery macrogallery Heinrich Wagner
#bellesphotos Belles photos Jean-Louis LAURENCE Claudya Bonnet mimiesmile b #stunningnature
#stunningmoment Stunning Moment Alycia Miller
#promotephotography Promote Photography Nikola Nikolski Naghmeh Khadembashi
#thebestongphotography The Best on G Photography
#colorsonfriday ColorsOnFriday Britta Rogge Karsten Meyer
#pixelworld PixelWorld Alberto Carreras
#showyourbestwork ShowYourBestWork Britta Rogge
#artistphotographeramateurorprofessional Artist , photographer , amateur or professional jany viala Krzysztof Felczak A.P.A.P.Grand talent
#10000photographersaroundtheworld 10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS
#naturephotos Robert SKREINER - PHOTOGRAPHY Roswitha Böhmer NATURE & MACRO Photos
#close2home Close2Home Brett Sivits David Pond Pia Raben Shaun Stewart José Juan Escudero Howard Weitzel john adams
Rob thank you for your kind comment and for sharing truly appreciated:-)♥ Have an amazing weekend!! Enjoy♥ Rob Masters