Bernhard Rembold reminds us all of some good points.

Bernhard Rembold reminds us all of some good points. 

Also remember that it is never too late to start!

Originally shared by Weekly Photo Project 2015

Dear participants of the Weekly Photo Project 2015,

things are coming to a roll, contributions are pouring in and there are a lot of comments. That's great!

We'd just like remind of the guidelines in the project (see Info section of the page).

The weekly themes have been picked such that different aspects of photography are touched upon in the course of the year. You are encouraged to explore these.

To keep a sense of order, please stick to the theme schedule as best you can. If you made a killer photo for a theme in the future, just hold onto that shot and post in the week that it's due.

If your schedule doesn't allow you to go out and find a motive that pleases you, we'd rather you contribute the best you have found or post at a later date. Please don't go through your archives and find something suitable just to meet the deadline. That defeats the purpose.

So let's grab the gear and discover the world.

/* Bernhard */


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