Here's to a very snappy year!

Here's to a very snappy year!
Originally shared by Weekly Photo Project 2015
Happy New Year to All,
The G+ Weekly Photo Project is about to start its fourth year in the form of Weekly Photo Project 2015 . The themes for the year are all on the "About" tab of the project page. There you will also find links to two google calenders ( one for themes by date start and one by date end ). There is also a link to a public Evernote note of all the themes and dates. Copy / Paste information for the January themes is also ready ( this is important as only via that are the curators notified of your images ). Last year was the best for the project so far so let us all try to make 2015 better still. If anyone has any questions or problems them please get in touch with one of the team.
The project team for this year of Alen Ianni Bernhard Rembold Cliff Loresco Francesco Scaglioni Heather D Ken Fowkes Matt Crace Navin Upendran Robyn King and T.E. Smith would lile to wish all of you a very Happy New Year
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