#WeeklyPhotoProject2014 Weekly Photo Project 2014 curated by

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014  Weekly Photo Project 2014  curated by
Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy  , Samantha OBrien , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold ,
Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni , 
ben wong
Week 13 : Try A New Technique

My first serious attempt at light painting. I need to work on the exposures and distance setting, but it is rather fun!


  1. Looks like it might be fun.  Never tried it yet, but its on the list:))

  2. It is very interesting exercise, and a lot of fun!

  3. Your first attempt is successful! Rob Masters

  4. Have never tried this but the more I see the more I feel I would like to give it a try.

  5. I agree with Francesco Scaglioni  something I want to try.....

  6. Nice. I've played around with this technique but haven't come up with anything presentable yet.

  7. Very cool Rob:)) Rob Masters


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