#WeeklyPhotoProject2014 Weekly Photo Project 2014 curated by

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014  Weekly Photo Project 2014  curated by
Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy  , +1011195681176460413 84 , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold ,
Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni , 
ben wong
Week 15 : SOOC

Bathurst Point Lighthouse, Rottnest Island. 30 second exposure. The glow in the background is from the lights of Perth, 16km away. Part of a series I took as an exercise in stacking, this one stood by itself.


  1. Nice image but the glow is hard to see on my  screen.  ( I only have a laptop)

  2. Wow - the stars!  (I kept trying to brush my screen off until I realized what they were, lol!)

  3. Much better when I view full screen : )  Nice shot Rob Masters

  4. And kept our beaches ship wreck free!

  5. Sadly my cheapo laptop screen cannot do it justice which is a shame.  Thanks for sharing.


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