SFF Music Video of the Week - #102 - NSFW

 Well something a little more risque than my usual fare. We've got Mezzo-american amazons, drugs, sex, a conquistador way out of his depth, and, as we all know...

So, let's have a look at the plot-line. We've our lost conquistador explorer wandering the jungles, and encounters a flower that sprays him with a hallucinogenic and soporific burst of pollen. Rescued from being (presumably) digested by said plant by a group of amazons, he is feted and brought before their queen. Who apparently finds him worthy.  All hail the conquering hero! But who has been conquered?  

So, after all that, are you somewhere nice and private, where no-one can unexpectedly see over your shoulder? Good. Go clicky on the link now. This is "Miracle" by Caravan Palace from the 2019 album "Chronologic". 



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