Alicia Smith kicks off #inktober in style with one of the deadliest plants there is - the commonly-named 1080 Bush.

Alicia Smith kicks off #inktober in style with one of the deadliest plants there is - the commonly-named 1080 Bush.

As deadly as it is, most W.A. native herbivores have evolved to tolerate (at least) the poison, and the carnivores likewise.

Originally shared by Alicia Smith

#Inktober2018 #Inktober #drawingwithoutanet One of our many Gastrolobium species, bearer of the 1080 poison.
I wanted to draw a Wyvern really, but that would be venom, not poison. Poison you can inhale, ingest or absorb through the skin, but venom needs to be delivered through fangs or stingers. Try to avoid both! Going with the official prompts this time.


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