#WeeklyPhotoProject2014 Weekly Photo Project 2014 curated by

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014  Weekly Photo Project 2014  curated by
Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy  , Samantha OBrien , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold ,
Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni , ben wong 
Week 3 : Bokeh

Part of my catchup on weeks missed.


  1. Beautiful! !!!!! Have you taken part in the photography 5day quest yet?

  2. No, not yet... I'll have to look it up!

  3. Rob Masters that's ok. am going to ping you in!! Give me an hour or so, just got the little'un to sleep! !

  4. Lovely.  Great colors and bokeh!


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