One of the more

One of the more ... base passtimes I'm guilty of is the Caption My Caption competition. The latest round had a bonus surprise for me - it was a photo I recognised! 

The pilot survived, BTW, although with several fractures - from landing through the roof of a greenhouse!

Originally shared by Caption My Caption

Round 61

All in good taste!

If you'd like to be notified for each new #CaptionMyCaption round, please leave a comment here ( or simply just circle +Caption My Caption 

Take a look at this image and provide a caption by commenting below, and don't forget to give a +1 to any of the other comments that you find amusing. The winner is the person with the most +1s on their comment. Feel free to +1 and/or share the post itself, if you so choose, just to let me know if you like the image or not and to expand the game just that little bit more.

The previous winners of  #CaptionMyCaption  can be found here - The images with the winning captions can be found here - (both of which I need to update)

The #CaptionMyCaption  Leaderboard -


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