If you enjoy photography, these are great fun - and the Anniversary Walks are particularly special, so come and join...

If you enjoy photography, these are great fun - and the Anniversary Walks are particularly special, so come and join us! It does not matter is you a 9 or 90 - or if you shoot with an iPhone or a Hasselblad - or if you are a beginner or a pro - the only thing that matters is that you are there to take photos and share the experience.

Originally shared by Paul Pichugin

Hold the date! We're organising a massive photo walk to celebrate Google+'s 2nd Anniversary! More details to come.

Feel free to join our small but growing West Aussie Photo Walks community here on G+ too: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/112238561462664129985

The more members we get, the more likely I am going to be able to get some swag and prizes from sponsors :)


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