David Malki of Wondermark is on the money. Ahem.

David Malki of Wondermark is on the money. Ahem.


  1. Who knew that this stilted view of economics was so prevalent among the voting public? Now we are going to need to vote ourselves extraordinary powers just to stay in office.

  2. Stephen Gunnell It’s not so much a stilted view of economics but one of belief in what the function of government ought to be. Those who believe in a minimal state would limit government spending to defence, the police and the judiciary. Anything else being personal.

  3. Ah yes, grind everyone down into poverty while spending big on the means to control the masses. Funny how this looks exactly like British policy in the 1770s.

  4. Stephen Gunnell and through most of the 19th century too. It's not a new political idea. As an alternative to anarchy it had some merit.
    L Gorrie in a minimal state those services would be provided by private enterprise (or religious/philanthropic/co-operative organisations)
    I think most models of government have thankfully evolved beyond this.

  5. The idea had a revival in the 1970's after the publication of Robert Nozicks book "Anarchy, State, and Utopia".


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