Well, it is like this.

Well, it is like this.
A few days ago we received our new solar cookers from GoSun . We'd backed the Gosun Go packable prototypes, and also decided to grab a Gosun Sport Pro Pack before the GST madness set in.
They arrived within 48 hours of each other.
Just a few hours ahead of three days of storms.
Fortunately, just after lunch today we had a few hours of patchy sun, so we thought we'd give them a try.
Now imagine this. It is 17C, and blowing cold gusty SW winds just after significant storms. And we are setting up a solar cooker.
In the Sport we threw in some kebabs, while in the pair of little Gos we put some damper on the bake.
The kebabs were done in just over an hour, and the damper took about the same time. So, as the afternoon sun started to break up, we put on some meatballs in the Sport.
And they cooked up perfectly in time for the sun to vanish behind the treeline.
So we'd cooked damper and two meat dishes in decidedly sub-optimal conditions over the course of two and a half hours. Using only a weak and patchy winter sun.
These are going to be fun!
Extracting the test dampers from one of the Gos. Photo by Alicia Smith .
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