"Under human control" is very optimistic!

"Under human control" is very optimistic!

Originally shared by Paul Snedden

Nine ways to divide Australia

Ism's not included!

There's several ways to divide this country, some of which our governments endeavour to do on a daily basis.

The good folks at Vivid Maps have devised nine different ways to break up this wonderful land, which you'll find in the attached image. There's a few issues, so let's take a look.

1. Bogans and Hipsters - I'm neither, so I guess that means I don't belong?

2. AFL and Rugby - Cricket is the one true national sport.

3. Japan can have it - I'm pretty sure they meant China, given the current rate of sell-off to our imperial overlords.

4. Resources - See #3

5. Under Human Control - That's VERY ambitious.

6. Flights and Amazon - Poor Radelaide. No one cares.

7. Queen Victoria - I'm still irked by the senseless naming of States that we have in this country.

8. Drugs and Alcohol - I'm a stoner? Can somebody stoke the bong?

9. NBN - I, for one, am very pleased with the NBN.

#AboutAustralia goo.gl/688VLF or plus.google.com/collection/gRdpR

via Frederica Mussolini (OP by Vivid Maps - https://plus.google.com/+Vividmapscom/posts/B4prkxC7mvc)
#australia #downunder


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