If you're visiting Dublin, remember to bring a medical certificate with you.

If you're visiting Dublin, remember to bring a medical certificate with you.

Good on 'em for telling the bandwagoners to eff off.

Originally shared by Lordy

Well played 'The White Moose Cafe"
I have several close friends who actually have coeliac disease.. one who didn't know at all, until the day after she woke up in ICU, after having been out to it for 10 days, now with some parts of her insides removed..
The gluten free foods they get, some taste like bloody cardboard, I feel for them.

I also know a few people who are gluten free because it's a trend and they are self diagnosed as gluten intolerant and live accordingly unless they can't get a gluten free meal at which time they eat 'normal' foods like everyone else with no suffering..
To those people, I have no fear of saying "you are a fucking idiot"... because they are on FB and never see here anyway :D

I'd love the chance of dining at the White Moose Cafe in Dublin.


  1. Maybe, but it also shows an awareness of coeliac disease that is above the normal 'oh we can leave the bread and gravy out' level.


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