I've organised a free photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore on the afternoon of June 27.

I've organised a free photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore on the afternoon of June 27. If you've got an interest in photography, or just want an excuse to take some winter sea-side photos, this will be a lot of fun!

Originally shared by Rob Masters

Free Cottesloe Photowalk - Supported by Dots To Spots Printing and Camera Electronic ( http://www.cameraelectronic.com.au ).

A social Photowalk along the Cottesloe foreshore from Grant St to the Cottesloe Groyne. This is for photographers of all levels, and will be a lot of fun.

We will be starting from the Grant Marine Park, near the corner of Marine Pde and Grant St, and finishing near the Surf Lifesaving Club. After, we can retire to either the OBH or the Cottesloe Hotel to chat and compare notes.

A map of our route is here:

Cottesloe offers all sorts of opportunities for subjects - some great buildings, stunning seaside geography, ships and boats of all sizes, street photography, birdlife (keep your eyes peeled for the Sea Eagle that hunts around the area), and the amazing sunset as we wind up.

Also, Dan from Camera Electronic will be helping out through the afternoon, and will have gear available to demo and for participants to try out.

There will be two contests running - one for the Best Architectural Photo and one for the Best Photo of Water. The contests are being judged by Dick from Camera Electronic, and the prize for each is a 16"x24" print of your choice - delivered to you - from the wonderful folks at Dots to Spots Printing. 

Contest Details: 
Photos should be (ideally) posted to the Google+ Event page (url to follow), or, if you do not have a Google account, emailed to rdmasters@gmail.com for me to post on your behalf. Other entry methods may become available - watch this space for more information. The deadline for the entries is 5PM AWST June 4, and winners will be announced on June 11, and will be notified by email. Winners will have until 5PM AWST June 18 to claim their prizes. 


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