Via Kitten KaboodleInc​, this link from Clint Burkinshaw​ has a really deep look a just how our visual perception...

Via Kitten KaboodleInc​, this link from Clint Burkinshaw​ has a really deep look a just how our visual perception system differs from a camera's.

Great reading, and gives a few clues as to how to improve the look of your images to enhance the strengths of a camera and to compensate for the deficiencies.

Originally shared by Clint Burkinshaw

Camera vs the Human Eye

An interesting read on the differences between what you see and what your camera captures.

So if you've ever wondered why you can't capture the scene in front of you on a camera, the way your eyes see it. Then here's the answer...

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  1. Hey Rob Masters​ thanks so much for the mention! Been looking for something like this for ages! Glad you enjoyed it too :) have a great day :)


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