Games list from the "Games I am Willing to Speak for Three Minutes in Public About" panel.

Games list from the "Games I am Willing to Speak for Three Minutes in Public About" panel. Thanks to Brian Johnson for compiling this!

Also, thank-you to everyone who took part in these panels! It was wonderful to hear so many people being so inspiring about so many games!

Game - Suggested by
Istanbul - Can
Ogre - Rob M
Tokaido - Ellora
Vinci - Karen
Dragonology - Andy
Tales Of The Arabian Nights - Leece
Monument Valley - Cam
Terra Mystica - John S
Credo - Steve
Mu - Craig
Smash Up - Brian
Ricochet Robots - Natasha
Escape Room (Live Action) - Ellora
Bluff - Warren
BSG - Ernest
El Grande - Warren
Story War - Paul
Nexus Ops - Mark J
Zombicide - Ryouga
7 Wonders - John S
War In Europe, etc - Steve
Ice House system - Rob M
Niagra - David G
Ticket to Ride: Europe - Elaine W
Chrononauts - Sarah
Take 6 / 6 Nimmit - Brian
Castle Panic - Elora
Cogz - Leece
Sentinels of the Multiverse - Cam
Taluva - David G
Sherlock - Elaine W
Ugg-Tect - Rob M
Sushi-Go ( Board and IOS/Android) - Elora
Dixit - Rob M
Wildlife - Leece
Stuff and Nonsense - Teddy
Bohnanza - Wendy R
The Room (IOS/Android) - David G
Gloom - Elora


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