#2014WGE #discgolf

#2014WGE #discgolf   
Photos from the 2014 Womens' Global Disc Golf Challenge 2014 - in Perth, Western Australia. 
First time tournament organiser Arana did a superb  job, and it was great to see such a fantastic turn-out. Many thanks to Kinga for taking on the official role of TD, and to Kris K for helping Arana out with the registration process. 


  1. That's great guys have fun im from petth w.a didn't even know anything about this sport thanks for sharing this with us all cheers

  2. Hi NANCY Mcconnell  We've got two public and one private courses here - one in Greenwood at Cockman Park (free), one at Mundaring at the Sports Club ($10/day), and a private course at Gidgiganup. You'll find people most Saturdays and Sundays at Cockman Park. It is an easy sport to get into, and we're a pretty friendly mob. Also have a look at perthdiscgolf.com, which is the Perth club page.


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