"Past Reflecting Future"

"Past Reflecting Future"
#WeeklyPhotoProject2014  Weekly Photo Project 2014  curated by
Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy  , Samantha OBrien , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold ,
Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni , 
ben wong
Week 8 : Mirrors

The inside of one of the Fringeworld Speigeltents, during the RTR-FM Brainspotting quiz and variety show, as seen reflected in one of the vintage mirrors lining the booths.


  1. It is terrible, you know. You go along to some event, and you are suddenly surrounded by the most wonderful subjects ... and all you have is your phone.

    Still, as they say, the best camera in the world is the one you have with you...

  2. good spot more and fits the mirrors theme well.

  3. Wonderful POV Rob:)) Rob Masters


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