Another significant quote: "The government's commitment to secrecy should be a concern for everyone.

Another significant quote: "The government's commitment to secrecy should be a concern for everyone. Secrecy is completely inadequate for democracy but totally appropriate for tyranny. If the minister will not inform the public, then we are within our right to assume the worst."

Originally shared by Sue T

Excerpt - Malcolm Fraser: "Forcing [refugees] to languish further in offshore detention centres in remote places is costly, cruel and, as shown by the events on Manus Island, increasingly dangerous .
... If a significant number of [refugees] came from Indonesia, the boats would stop. This would be the basis for a robust and fair system that processes refugee claims in a timely manner. It would ensure an efficient, affordable and humane approach .
Australia would not be ''flooded'' as a result; we control the number of people that are settled. We attract a small proportion of the world's refugees. For several years now, more than 90 per cent of asylum seekers that have arrived by boat have been found to be refugees in need of protection. They are not fleeing for a sea change, but for their lives.
Refugees have made a remarkable contribution to our country. There is no need to fear their arrival. Australia is a proudly multicultural nation, made stronger by the dedication and contribution of people who come here, whether as refugees or migrants .
#refugees   #asylumseekers   #manusisland


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