Barry Jones, one of our few remaining statesmen, hits the nail squarely on the head.

Barry Jones, one of our few remaining statesmen, hits the nail squarely on the head. I am likewise reminded of a triplet from an Alan Parsons Project song:
"If we call for the truth,
And question the answers,
Only the doubt remains"
(Wolfson/Parsons - 'Ammonia Avenue').
This, in turn, raises the related point that our popular culture is similarly represented by the simple sound-bite and empty gossip. The likelihood of a major company releasing an album like "Ammonia Avenue" these days is vanishingly small, because they don't think 'smart' and 'thoughtful' sell.

So take a few moments, when you next read some headline, to make use of these wonders of technology that we have, and find out what is really going on - not what the sloganeers, marketing executives, and power-brokers want you  to think.


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