Vulgar, profane, but well written, and spot on, this little piece points out the wonderful lack of bias in the news...

Vulgar, profane, but well written, and spot on, this little piece points out the wonderful lack of bias in the news reports on the proposed tax on CO2 pollution, and the effects thereof.

Meantime, El Reg, an organ not noted for supporting the science providing evidence of anthrogenic climate change, had surprisingly positive things to say about the proposal!

Note: The original link has been suspended (I suspect excessive traffic is to blame) - so here is the cache link:


  1. Says the account has been suspended.

  2. Superb post, thanks for the link :-)

  3. That was...amazing :-) Once I'd sorted through the verbiage, it seemed clear that I would be compensated the (probable?) $10 I'd be charged for the C Tax. The worst I can say about that is it seems to be a waste of admin to charge me in the first place, but then, I'm not in on the details or the numbers.

  4. If you have a look at the article on El Reg, the reason for it all becomes a lot clearer.


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