Day 4 and Forced Perspective is the theme!
Day 4 and Forced Perspective is the theme!
Originally shared by Lauri Novak
We are officially on DAY FOUR of REVEALS
from the 24th “CREATIVITY NEVER SLEEPS round
of the G+ Photography Scavenger Hunt!!!
What is the scavenger hunt?
Only the most inspiring, creative and fun way to learn your camera, push your limits, experiment, and shoot things in ways you didn't think you could.
This event runs a few times a year for anyone of any level of photography to participate.
The game is open to up to 300 Photographers
You get 7 items to shoot
You get a period of time to shoot and enter your photos.
Then they are judged by amazing photographers
Then the albums are opened up to the public over the course of 7 days.
There are 7 categories:
This is the ”FORCED PERSPECTIVE” album.
This event is an amazing way to use your camera in new ways.
It gets you seeing things in new ways,
It helps improve your photography skills,
gives you a huge audience,
and lets everyone celebrate each other's successes.
Make new friends,
and be a part of a community of photographers who care about each other, teach each other, and inspire one another.
The group of "scavengers" that participate create a community unlike any other on G+.
Support, encouragement, friendships even some #huntsmack is enjoyed.
We become a family over the course of the round.
This is a negative-free zone - There is zero tolerance for any critiques that are uninvited.
Please be respectful and remember that every person went out there and took the time to shoot these images
and put thought into them and tried their best.
And remember….YOU ALL ROCK!
AGAIN THIS ROUND: PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS It’s your turn to choose your 4 favorite images! Here is the link to the form to use to record your choices:
The instructions are included on the form.
(NOTE: Only one of these images were taken by me - this is a collection of images taken by multiple photographers participating in the scavenger hunt. All copyrights apply)
Cover image by: Andy Smith
With that - I present to you the "*FORCED PERSPECTIVE*" album,
1 item seen in 108 different ways.

Originally shared by Lauri Novak
We are officially on DAY FOUR of REVEALS
from the 24th “CREATIVITY NEVER SLEEPS round
of the G+ Photography Scavenger Hunt!!!
What is the scavenger hunt?
Only the most inspiring, creative and fun way to learn your camera, push your limits, experiment, and shoot things in ways you didn't think you could.
This event runs a few times a year for anyone of any level of photography to participate.
The game is open to up to 300 Photographers
You get 7 items to shoot
You get a period of time to shoot and enter your photos.
Then they are judged by amazing photographers
Then the albums are opened up to the public over the course of 7 days.
There are 7 categories:
This is the ”FORCED PERSPECTIVE” album.
This event is an amazing way to use your camera in new ways.
It gets you seeing things in new ways,
It helps improve your photography skills,
gives you a huge audience,
and lets everyone celebrate each other's successes.
Make new friends,
and be a part of a community of photographers who care about each other, teach each other, and inspire one another.
The group of "scavengers" that participate create a community unlike any other on G+.
Support, encouragement, friendships even some #huntsmack is enjoyed.
We become a family over the course of the round.
This is a negative-free zone - There is zero tolerance for any critiques that are uninvited.
Please be respectful and remember that every person went out there and took the time to shoot these images
and put thought into them and tried their best.
And remember….YOU ALL ROCK!
AGAIN THIS ROUND: PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS It’s your turn to choose your 4 favorite images! Here is the link to the form to use to record your choices:
The instructions are included on the form.
(NOTE: Only one of these images were taken by me - this is a collection of images taken by multiple photographers participating in the scavenger hunt. All copyrights apply)
Cover image by: Andy Smith
With that - I present to you the "*FORCED PERSPECTIVE*" album,
1 item seen in 108 different ways.

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