
Week 42 : October 21 : B&W Conversion
#WeeklyPhotoProject2014  Weekly Photo Project 2014  curated by
Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy  , Samantha OBrien , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold ,
Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni , ben wong 
#WPP2014-Wk42- B&W
Week 42 :: Black & White Conversion

The contents of my disc golf bag, with some help.


  1. This is a great abstract shot Rob Masters

  2. Nice and different take on the theme.

  3. Thanks Thomas Gillingham - I wanted to show the contrast of B&W vs Colour and how the same subject changes nature in the conversion. It is a theme I've been thinking about for quite a while - long before this year's project - and having it come up as one of the weekly projects gave me an opportunity to experiment with putting some of those thoughts into practice.

  4. You pulled it off very well Rob Masters

  5. Excellent work Rob!! Rob Masters


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