
Showing posts from January, 2014

We'll be there...

We'll be there... Originally shared by Alicia Smith Science, not Slaughter! A reminder that a follow up protest against the State Government Shark Cull  is occurring at Cottesloe Beach from 10am - 12pm February the 1st - that is Saturday. It's an easy beach to get to public transport wise - they are even arranging shuttle buses from the Cottesloe Station.

A noble (or maybe ignobel) project.

A noble (or maybe ignobel) project. Originally shared by Lev Lafayette Yes, I really did send this.

Viking Horde test game at Genghiscon!

Viking Horde test game at Genghiscon!

"Giving all voices equal weight is bad journalism" - Simon Miraudo on RTR FM this morning.

"Giving all voices equal weight is bad journalism" - Simon Miraudo on RTR FM this morning. He might have been talking about film interpretations, but there are an awful lot of so-called journalists out there in the mainstream press (yes, I'm looking at the Murdoch and Fairfax crowd) who this could well apply to.

And every step forward somehow seems matched by a step backwards.

And every step forward somehow seems matched by a step backwards. Originally shared by John Samuel Reblogged from AusOpinion: Sometimes the sexism that still exists in society raises its head in such a blatant, yet nefarious way, as to boggle the mind, and we’re going through … Continue reading →

A very good friend of mine is disposing of review copies of various anime titles for cancer research...

A very good friend of mine is disposing of review copies of various anime titles for cancer research... Originally shared by John Samuel As noted in the Site Disclaimer I do not retain review copies for personal use. If I like it enough, …Continue reading »

It is scary just how vulnerable our society is to this well-known method of manipulation.

It is scary just how vulnerable our society is to this well-known method of manipulation. Originally shared by Jak Charlton With the recent survey showing most Australians wish boat refugees should suffer worse treatment ... this video come to mind ... the power of words ... exactly how Tony Abbot and the media has helped to make racism and xenophobia seem perfectly normal

#lca2014 #boardgaming #perth

#lca2014 #boardgaming #perth If any 2014 people are stuck for something to do in the 44C heat tomorrow, consider visiting the WA Boadgaming Association meeting at the Mt Claremont Community Centre on Montgomery Ave, running from 11am to 6pm. Your first visit is free :) And we have aircon.


#lca2014   The Tropical Garden, just outside the Hackett Hall Undercroft at UWA.


#lca2014 Childcare provided on-site.


#lca2014 Coolest thing to happen so far at ? Getting to meet the guy behind and learning how he built both versions of his site. A real unsung hero.

Added photos to #lca2014 hangout.

Added photos to #lca2014 hangout. events/gallery/c387ms0ellp4isqcgsi0du60ni8?authkey=CL3nxrjx3vK1Tg


#lca2014 Marc MERLIN's talk about a truely huge upgrade project filled the lecture theatre, and some of the audience had to leave due to fire regs! It was fascinating what he had to go through and what he achieved.


#lca2014 The Penguin Dinner

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014 Weekly Photo Project 2014 curated by

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014 Weekly Photo Project 2014 curated by Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy , Samantha OBrien , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold , Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni , ben wong 'Hoverboat goes whirrrrr!' An Australian Moth at practice on the Swan River.


#lca2014 Quote of the day from in the syadmin miniconf- (On the topic of networking buffers) "And some devices are just horrible: Cisco Catalyst 6500."

Waiting for the opening keynote to start.

Waiting for the opening keynote to start.

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014 Weekly Photo Project 2014 curated by

#WeeklyPhotoProject2014  Weekly Photo Project 2014  curated by Thomas Gillingham , Maurice Loy  , Samantha OBrien , Navin Upendran , Andrew Dobrucki , Bernhard Rembold , Robyn King , Francesco Scaglioni ,  ben wong Week 1 : Celebration Not the usual sort of celebration - this is from a celebration of public determination - a protest against a shark cull in Western Australia. The crowd were, for lack of a better description, cheerfully angry :)

Organised by a dive instructor, Natalie Banks, this protest against the W.A.

Organised by a dive instructor, Natalie Banks, this protest against the W.A. government's policy of baited drumlines to attempt to stop the (very small number of) shark attacks in Western Australia drew thousands. The official police estimate was 3000 people. My estimate (using birdwatching techniques) put it closer to 7000-8000.  The crowd was all ages, and all walks of life, and everyone was ... well ... politely angry at the Barnett administration's actions.  There were speakers from Sea Shepard, from W.A.S.C , the Conservation Council, not to mention the Greens and Labor. The Greens speaker was furious, and is, herself, a paddle-boarder. The Labor speaker (the Shadow Minister for Water, Fisheries & Youth), offered apologies from the W.A. Labor leader who was on holidays down South, and offered alternative science-based policies, not just knocking.  The divers, surfers, and swimmers then took the protest to the water, and even under the water at the iconic Cottesloe Pylo...

Last night Mum (Maria) died in Hollywood Hospital from congestive heart failure at the age of 91.

Last night Mum (Maria) died in Hollywood Hospital from congestive heart failure at the age of 91. We had seen her just a few hours before, and she was laughing and joking, and surrounded by family, despite having been revived from a full cardiac arrest 48 hours earlier.

Pacnames deregistration and bulk transfer to

Pacnames deregistration and bulk transfer to ? Anyone know how legit this is? Or anything about it? Secondary question: recommendations for a good tld registrar?