Ace Race Update #2

Ace Race Update #2

The Perth 2011 Ace Race is nearly upon us! There are only a few days to go before what has become the largest disc golf event in Perth so far this year! We now have over 40 competitors signed up, with spaces still available. These are rapidly disappearing so if you want to be certain of a spot, sign up below!

Now, a thank-you to our local sponsors:

Our good friends at GCS are providing on-site facilities, bags and pencils for the event.

Down Under Disc Evolution - DUDE are sponsoring the Ring of Fire prizes and will also have discs on sale to help you round out your new bags with mid-ranges and drivers.

Please visit and support them!

Discraft - and - who sponsor the event globally!

About the Ring of Fire:

All Ace Race competitors have free entry into this fun putting event. Everyone stands in a circle around a target, and a caller tells you when and how to throw your disc. Everyone who misses drops out, until it gets down to one left, who gets to grab a prize from the pool. Then it all starts again. What sort things will the caller tell you to do? Shoot normally, or forehand, or from a step closer or further away, with your left hand … or even after spinning around three times!

About Mulligans:

A mulligan is a retry shot, so if you miss on your first, you can try again. Prior to the Ace Race Event, there will be mulligan shots for sale for two dollars a shot, or three for a fiver. You can buy as many as you like. BUT only before the competition starts! Mulligans may NOT be purchased for the Ring of Fire.


Drinks will be available to purchase, thanks to Kris, and there will be a post-competition sausage sizzle, also thanks to Kris. Drinks will be $1 (all day), and ye olde sausage-in-a-bun will be $4 (after the prize ceremony).

Where my money goes:

All funds raised by the Ace Race and other monies raised on the day will help the Perth Disc Golf Club with community projects and to raise the awareness of the sport.

Important things to remember -
* We start at 10:30AM - but make sure you turn up early to get your player’s pack and have a couple of practice throws. The registration desk will be open from 10AM at the latest.
* We may also have - subject to availability - some packs available on the day for friends and family that you have brought with you that have decided that they want ‘in’ at the last minute. These will be first-come first-served - another good reason to be early!
* If we sell out and you want another pack or two for gifts or whatever, we will be making a list - if we get more than 10 requests, we will place a make-up order on the 26th of September.
* Don’t forget your sunscreen and water! Although there is a lot of shade, it will be the middle of the day!
* There will be photographers around - if you don’t want your photo taken, please let them know.
Signups are available on-line until *Thursday 10PM WST - after that, you will still be able to sign up on the day for as long as packs are available. You can sign up here:

If you have any questions, contact me here, or as rmasters at perthdiscgolf com.

We are also on Facebook:!/event.php?eid=198834373493974


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