The Weekly Photo Project is back for 2018!

The Weekly Photo Project is back for 2018!

Originally shared by Byron Sheldrick

Well, another year is quickly coming to an end, and over at the Weekly Photo Project we have had a fabulous 2017. We now turn our attention to the new year and I am very pleased to announce the launch of the 2018 edition of the Weekly Photo Project. The project has been going strong since 2012 and this will be our 7th running.

The Weekly Photo Project is an opportunity for photographers of all skill levels to participate in a fun and supportive weekly themed challenge. It is a great way to get out there and shoot, as well as to improve your skills. As well, the quality of the photos posted is outstanding, and I'm sure you'll always find inspiration in what you see.

In 2016 we moved to a community format. In order to participate you need to join the community. Once there, you will find all the information you need to participate. Most importantly, you'll find the 2018 theme list. My own personal opinion is that we have come up with a fantastic theme list that will prove both fun and challenging. The WPP community is public, which means anyone can visit the community and post. Many of our members re-share their posts to their own personal collections. This year, due to ever increasing levels of spam, we've decided to require people to ask to join the community. While this isn't meant to exclude, we are insisting that people be posting their own photographs on G+ in order to join the community.

Over the years we've been blessed with a fantastic group of curators who support the Project. This year we once again have a few changes to the team of curators. Thanks to those who have left us this year for their wonderful contributions, and welcome to our new volunteers.

For 2018 the curators of the Weekly Photo project are:

Françoise Dhulesia, Angela Migliore, Byron Sheldrick, Dave Hollis, Carmen Mandich, madhura ravishankar, Constantinos Catsoulis, Alicia Smith, Rob Masters, Francesco Scaglioni, Mary Wardell, Navin Upendran

So please, come on over and join the WPP 2018 community. You can do so by simply clicking the icon below. The first theme, which happens to be "Time" is due January 2nd. So get your thinking caps on and start taking photos.


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