Alicia Smith​ and I have finally completed putting together our shelves and loading our collection into them.

Alicia Smith​ and I have finally completed putting together our shelves and loading our collection into them. And what better way to shelfie than in 360x360?


  1. Can you get that Ogre Designer's Edition off the top shelf without injuring your back?

  2. Lots of empty slots for future growth. i'm envious - i keep having to pack up unplayed games into the attic as new ones arrive :/.

  3. Looks great! What'd you use to make the image?

  4. It is sooo good to have our games at home with us instead of in storage in crates!

  5. Stephan Beal​ yes! As for bringing it down to table level... that is another thing, and untested. Gulp!

  6. Stephan Beal we have made a rule that we have to keep the collection able to be stored in that room. No encroaching on other rooms!

  7. BJ Handy​ I used a Ricoh Theta S, and the Theta+ app to turn it into a tinyplanet projection.

  8. As a bonus Rob Masters​ and I can now strip and reassemble Kallax blindfold in 5 minutes.

  9. Thanks Stephan Beal​! And joined!

  10. Looks great! So organized. You've inspired me. :-).


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