A Splendid Blue Wren down at Woodman Point.

A Splendid Blue Wren down at Woodman Point. These are quite bold - but always fast moving, so actually gettng them in frame can be a bit of a challenge. This gentleman had his harem of females flitting about and being very co-operative, while he hid deep inside a clump of shrubbery. In the end, though, patience paid off, and he emerged from cover just long enough for me to get two quick shots off.

This is the first time I've seen one in full splendor in the wild, and getting a photo was an added bonus.


  1. Congrats! They can be such a pain to get

  2. I have never seen one so close to Perth. Awesome!

  3. You can sometimes see them just north of Trigg in the coastal bush near the cycle tracks!


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